Saturday 24 April 2010

Please forgive me ...

I promised to keep posting at roughly weekly intervals ... that was a firm intention, but it got rather interfered with because I've got a damaged back - makes it difficult to stay at the word-processor for any length of time, and the medication th doctor gave me made no difference to the pain but made me as sleepy as all get-out. I've been wandering around in a daze, remembering that I used to have a brain but some son of a bachelor has stolen the key.

Anyway, they've changed the medication. It's making no difference to the pain (and hence to the time I can spend at the w/p) but at least I can respond to stimulation. So next week I want to look up some case studies - again, for low-tech applications, I make no apology - and I'll post them.

Meantime, have you looked at my blog of business jokes and anecdotes? It's got some goodies, and you could show it to your mother ...




  1. Valerie,

    Your Intro to Rep Grid has been tremendously valuable to me. I am in the process of carefully reading it. I wish you the very best in your health. Thank you.

  2. Hello, Valerie, I do hope you're still there to be spoken with. I've just made 80 so am looking for old mates for conversation and whatever there might be in prospect.


